23: Regression for Progression: A Life Lesson from Healing Injuries

I delve into the concept of regression as a form of progression, reflecting on my past experiences with powerlifting and the impact it had on my health. Despite achieving impressive feats, such as a 225-pound deadlift, I now face the consequences of inadequate warm-ups and mobility work which contributed to chronic hip and shoulder pain. This realization has shifted my fitness goals towards achieving pain-free movement and sustainable health rather than chasing high lifting numbers. By adopting a beginner's mindset and focusing on proper form and muscle strengthening, I am learning to heal my body and improve my mobility. This episode explores the broader application of this approach, advocating for a patient, mindful journey in fitness and life, where slow and steady progress ensures lasting benefits and growth.
23: Regression for Progression: A Life Lesson from Healing Injuries
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