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E41: A New Direction Episode 41

E41: A New Direction

· 04:36


00:00:00:00 - 00:00:13:23
Hi everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Tinas Arena, where I am in the arena of life and figuring out my shit and as I figure out my shed, hopefully you get inspired to figure out your shit.

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I have been a little bit slow to post episodes on my podcast lately because number one, I am sick and I am on my like 20 something es day of being sick.

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I think that's what it feels like. It's been at least 15 days. I know that and it's gross. I still have

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all of the same C stuff going on in here. I don't know if you can hear it, but yes. So number one, I've been sick and number two, I have been uninspired by nutrition lately,

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specifically nutrition, because

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I feel like I don't want to change the way that I am in order to create pretty content, because my food and my eating is pretty boring.

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I tend to just piece things together. I'm eating scraps or it's just like a bowl of mush, or it's just chicken. It's boring.

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And people don't like boring. Unfortunately.

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I think the sooner you realize that staying healthy is boring, then the easier it will become. If you're always looking for novelty and variety and new recipes and new tastes and new experiences, then I think you're going to have a more difficult time staying healthy, because a lot of the food that's engineered to be exciting,

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it's fried, it's covered in cheese, it's so heavy, it's got a bunch of cream or something.

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It's not

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healthy if it's exciting or if it's appealing to people on the grand scheme of things, it's probably not that great for you.

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What works is being consistent and being boring and just doing the habits day in and day out. And the more that you get comfortable with being bored.

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The easier it will come.

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The longer you hold on to the idea of novelty,

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I think the harder it will be.

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That's not to say that I don't go out and have enjoyable experiences at restaurants. I've been eating quite poorly as I've been sick actually, but it is what it is. I'm sick. It's a phase.

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I will go back to my eating ways

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when I am healthy again.

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So that's me. I've been bored with nutrition. It's really simple. Nutrition is simple. Eat fiber, eat vegetables, eat lean meat.

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And I don't

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want to repeat that anymore.

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Of course, eating psychology has interested me forever.

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But I just. I haven't really wanted to talk about food too much lately.

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And so what am I going to be talking about from now on?

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I want to talk about stories. I want to talk about people. I want to talk about experiences. I love listening to people stories. I love listening to the

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things that they've gone through, their struggle. And I love hearing about

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experiences that show people like, why are you the way you are today?

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What drove you to become who you are today?

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Where did that come from?

00:03:23:12 - 00:03:41:12
I like that kind of stuff. So I think I will start having more guests on my podcast, and I think I will start to dig more into personal stories and also share more of my own personal stories on the podcast. I know I've been sharing a lot around food,

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but I'm going to rack my brain and I'm going to see what else I have available to share.

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Because I would really love to dig more into stories. And what better place than, you know, being in the arena, experiencing all this hardship and then just sharing it with each other on the other side of that? I think that would be cool. So this is my podcast

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and this is the direction that we're going to go in for the rest of

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the time being.

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I will still definitely include nutrition and

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food and exercise and all of my stories because it's a part of who I am. But I don't think I will share, you know, nutritional

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advice for the sake of nutritional advice.

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So I hope that sounds exciting to you. And

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cheers to a new year

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and a new journey.

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